Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Entire World is GAY!!!

Hello to all 5 of my readers and my facebook creepers! Been working a lot lately so I haven't written in a min here.
So here we go...
First CONGRATS to all my gaybes (gay babies) and lesbots (don't ask) for Prop 8 being over turned. Now you can get married in Cali! Invite me to the weddings!

Next: I saw The Kids Are Alright this week. The story of 2 children raised by their lesbian parents. The children seek out the sperm donor and they all build a very unrealistic relationship with him. I say unrealistic because I am the child of a lesbian and the whole betrayal would not happen. Hollywood..ugh

And last: The entire world is gay! Well, maybe not the entire world but my world certainly is. I do work in the entertainment industry so it is understandable that 78% of the men I work with are gay. But as of lately 97% of the men love men. I am by no means complaining...per say. I heart all my gaybes.  I just want to meet a damn straight man.

Many of my female friends actually date men who look and or act gay. One friend actually prefers bi sexual men. I could never ever ever ever date a man who likes men. I think it's the whole down low brother thing in the black community and the fact the the highest number in new HIV/AIDS cases are among african american women...mainly because their men are off having unprotected sex with other men. I like my men to be men and my gays to be gay. No mixing. (Plus I think bisexuality is just being greedy, unless your Anna Paquin or Scarlett Johansson then its hott)

So here's the thing...I spend my days and sometimes nights on set with my gaybes...then when we wrap I spend more time with them or other gays and I have a blast. I can be my silly self with them. And as much as I say I want to hang around straight men....I never do. I am a huge contradiction. I am kinda over straight men. They are such cocky douchebags. But then again I miss them. I miss actually flirting with someone who wants to do me...flirting with gays is fun but at the end of the night I am home alone with no one to make out with.
So maybe I am becoming like my other female friends, maybe I need to find me a metro sexual man who is just as fun as my gaybes but wants to bang me.

That would never work for me though. I am such a ball buster I would end up making the guy cry. (plus I am not a big fan of men in scarves and we all know metros love the scarf) I make my sensitive female friends say I'm mean. (which I am not I just try to make people stronger the world is a tough place) The man I need doesn't exist. I need a fun, gay spirited, mans man, who loves art, history, theater, and sports and can cook. Who doesn't care what I do for a living...meaning he is not at all star struck by the people I work with or that I hang out with. But he does support everything I do and pushes me to do more. And above all has a deep profound love for God and all his wonders but is not judgemental. I don't think that's too much to ask for.

Is it?

I'll just have fun and enjoy life until God sees fit to bring me the man of my dreams (Nick Jonas or Trevino) until then my entire world is GAY!!