Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sexless in the suburbs

While watching Sex and The City reruns, I realized something. I don't want to be these women. I don't want to be the chicks on Girlfriends either. I don't want to be any of these tv women. I am fine being me.

Most, if not all, women watch. love, adore and worship Sex and the City. It's a great show and 2 really good movies. I love them all. I used to wonder why my friendships weren't like these women's. Where were my 3 bffs that I had brunch with every week. I am blessed to have the 1 best friend I have.

One of my fav lines from SATC is when Charlotte said "I have been dating since I was 15 I am tired where is he, my hair hurts" MY HAIR HURTS TOO!!! But I think its the braids under the pounds of tracks I have on my head. I have been dating since birth like most women my age now but honestly I can say I have had only a few real relationships and none of them very long. I have had many on and off relationships that last years because I make the silly mistake of taking dude back. So now I don't date. I am not looking. And I am actually not lonely...most of the time. I am an only child so I am used to being alone. I enjoy dinner and movies by myself, I go out alone. At times I dated just to get a meal or go see a movie I wanted to see. Not because I liked the guy.(that was years ago lol) Now I am fine being with me.

So right now I am sexless in the suburbs.

 I couldn't get a date if I tried. Not that I really have. Well, I kinda have. I am only around movie industry guys now and I usually don't fish in my own pond but that's all I am around now. So I tried dating a PA, he kept asking when I was coming to his crib just to "hang". I don't "hang" that early sir.Then  my other issue is every guy I find attractive on set has a girl. Ugh I just can't win.

Sometimes a girl just want a man to touch her, tell her she's pretty, hold her hand, MAKE OUT! That's what I miss from dating. I miss making out. Just the kissing. I am so over the grabbing and the groping....I get enough of that from my fellow "background artist". I just want to kiss someone.

I also miss talking on the remember those late night conversations about nothing at all. I miss that.
I think I miss the whole puppy love faze.

Anyone have a time machine...7th grade hear I come.

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