Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Who I AM

I've been thinking about doing a blog for years but I am so random I never got around to it. Recently I picked up a new book entitled Bitch is the New Black and it inspired me. Not sure if I will have the courage to write as honestly as the author of the book but I think I can give it a try. So hear goes...

My name is Alexyz Danine Kemp...born Alexis Denine...I changed the spelling of my first name at age 14 or 15 when I decided I wanted to be an actress, my middle name was a typo on my birth certificate. I was born in Philadelphia, PA and lived there until I was 8 years old. I have lived in Roswell, Ga for most of my life but will claim Philly til the day I die. I have such a love/ hate relationship with Atlanta that I could never claim it. I find that the chicks who claim this city are not at something I want to associate myself with (more to come on this subject I am sure may even repost an old myspace blog...hahaha myspace was our friend so long ago).

I am an only child. Grew up a spoiled brat. I am still spoiled and I admit it but no longer a brat. I spoil me mainly on a budget which is where the poor part comes in. I live in my mommas basement. And I say mommas as possession and plural. I have 2 moms. Monika biological and Lisa my mom of the last few years or so who "married" my mom on a beach in Savannah in a private ceremony just them because same sex marriage isn't legal in GA. In my life my mom has only been with 2 women seriously and I do remember a few men from my childhood.

Recently, I found out my father is in jail and maybe back on drugs...I hope he was back on drugs because what sober person robs a Rite Aid at over age 50 with a good job for a felon.With this arrest my father will spend most of my life in jail.

My grandmother on my moms side treats me as if I am Gods gift to the world but some how strayed along the way. Wanting to be an actress when I have an IQ of 147, to her seems as if I have lost my mind. (147 is genius to those who don't know but I don't care I just want to be happy) My grandmother is 1 of 13 children to a still living 99 year old great grandmother.

My great granny is the greatest woman I know. She is 99 years old (we think, her birth certificate is lost and she cant remember the exact year she was born but she knows the names of all her kids, grand kids, great grand kids and great great grand kids). She accepts each and every person in our family, the gays, interracial couples, the drug addicts, the bums, the vps of major banks, the beauticians and the genius could be law students who just wants to act. I love her dearly. Shout out to Euna May Colquit

But this first post is called Who I AM...capitalized AM because this is my definition of ME. But as most of us I would not be ME with the above mentioned people. But now back to ME!

I am single...and kinda over it but I am not looking. I have a lot of associates but few friends. If I call you friend I love you. I would fight crazy lesbians for you while trying to look hot in a bright pink wig, I will make fun of you for stalking the backstreet boys at age 31 but be happy that you FINALLY met AJ...and I would share with you my deep dark secret crush on Nick Jonas. I don't judge my friends and they don't judge my 28 year old Disney channel, Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus, still blasting Nsync small but dreaming I had a big booty butt! I know who my friends are because they love me and I so adore them.

Lets see what else can I tell the world about me...I read alot! I read about a book a week. I read almost any and everything. I have an obsession with vampires, so yes I have read the Twilight saga. I have also read all the Sookie Stackhouse novels True Blood is based on and I have read all published Vampire Diaries books...which is also the show I am the stand-in for the only black character on the series. I read what I call 60s and 70s trashy novels like Valley of the Dolls, Looking for Mr Goodbar ( I want to remake the film version of Valley of the Dolls and stay true to the book)

I also write. But the strange thing about my writing is I feel I have no control over it. I get one simple idea and begin to write and them my imagination takes over and I get lost in the story as if I am the reader....I have several stories I have no clue how it ends because my mind hasn't told me yet.

I am weird I am quirky but I am fun. I used to club I haven't in forever. I love to dance and was a professional dancer for years. The best job I ever had is the job I have now being on set daily and changing characters...second best being on tour with Nsync for 2 1/2 years. I love men but would so do Scarlotte Johanson (and Ryan Renyolds) or Kerry Washington. I think Malcolm X was one of the sexist men who walked this planet and I would give up weave and bacon for him. I cry on movies, commercials, life period makes me shed tears at times. That is all I can think of now for this first yet long blog about me...Hope who ever you are who read this enjoyed it. If not...PEACE OUT SUCKAS!!

1 comment:

  1. I think youre an awesome best friend and a talented woman!!! I will be your best friend til either me or you die and prolly even after. You are my Disney Channel watching companion, and you are one of the only people in this earth who get me. As your friend I have the insane responsibility of supporting you in what ever you do.....legal or not. Of course I will be in your wedding to Nick Jonas as I know you will be in mine to AJ (yeah i know he is engaged but it is just for now.....he is now thinking about me cause he and i have finally met and he cant get me off his mind....lol). OK enough of this mushy shit.....hehehehe
